My Story

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The journey into Executive Coaching

Building on his 40-year career leading investments in Emerging Markets, Serge is now an Executive Coach with a CPC accreditation from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) and an ACC certification from the International Coaching Federation (ICF).  He lives with his family in Denver, where he coaches leaders and executives in remote places that include, Bogota, Hong Kong, Lome, London, Santiago, Singapore and Washington, DC.

A people person at the core, Serge’s passion for coaching was born out of supporting, grooming and mentoring de-centralized teams working under his leadership.  Trust, delegation, open communications, cultural confidence* and result orientation were a large part of his success as a development banking leader and finance executive.  A lifelong learner, he practices evidence-based coaching, constantly enriching his knowledge base with new tools and methodologies like:

  • Helping Leaders work through their challenges, focusing on behavioral changes, to achieve compelling business results;

  • Contributing his network to generate positive linkages for his clients;

  • Measuring the Return on Investment (ROI) to validate the case for coaching;

  • Applying research-based methodologies to create a positive environment to generate productive interactions that lead to extraordinary results.

To inform his market niche, Serge maintains a constant dialogue with leaders in his network about their current thoughts – including the ongoing crises;

Initially an Engineer, then CEO of various financial institutions, Serge had a 20-year international career as part of the management team of the World Bank Group. He left his mark in Latin America, Asia and Africa as a fair and result-minded leader, growing the Group’s franchise with profitable investments and social impact. The successes and setbacks he experienced in his corporate career helped him build the strong Mastery VS Performance orientation approach that underpins his coaching.  At the same time, Serge cultivates deep values of service, connection, openness, flexibility to help him serve his clients through their challenges.

Serge has lived and worked in Port-au-Prince, Washington, DC, Rio de Janeiro, Bogota, Hong Kong, New Delhi, Singapore and Denver, CO.  He holds a BS in Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico, a Master of Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and an MBA from the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania.  While deepening his executive coaching practice, Serge keeps abreast of changes in the industry through professional associations and advisory work in the social impact field.